Exam Study Quizzes

Multiple Choice

Provides quizzes to prepare for Level 2 Exam. These quizzes focus on Section B which is to answer 10 Multiple Choice questions based on General Rules & Penalties

Multiple Choice with Rules Authority

Provides quizzes to prepare for Level 2 Exam. These quizzes focus on Section C which is to answer 10 Multiple Choice questions based on choosing penalties and citing Rule Number to Chapter level (e.g. 8.1a)

Four Holes

Provides quizzes to prepare for Level 2 Exam. These quizzes focus on Section D which is to answer 20 questions in total with 5 questions on scenarios on four holes. Each question is in two parts and requires choosing the number of penalties that apply and the and citing the primary Rule Number to Chapter level (e.g. 8.1a)

True or False

Provides quizzes to prepare for Level 3 Exam. These quizzes focus on Section B of the exam which is to answer 30 True of False questions

Multiple Choice – How Many Penalty Strokes

Provides quizzes to prepare for Level 3 Exam. These quizzes focus on Section C which is to answer 15 Multiple Choice questions based on choosing penalties and citing Rule Number to Chapter level – e.g. 8.1a

Multiple Choice with Rules Authority

Provides quizzes to prepare for Level 3 Exam. These quizzes focus on Section D which is to answer 10 questions in total. Each question is in two parts and requires choosing the number of penalties that apply and citing the primary Rule Number to Verse level – e.g. 14.3b(2)

Sections A to E

Provides timed Mock exams to prepare for the Level 2 Exam. These quizzes focus on testing knowledge on Sections A, B , C, D and E.

Maximum allowed time is 90 minutes

Open Book

Provides quizzes to prepare for the USGA Exam. These quizzes focus on testing your rules knowledge answering Rules questions with access to the Rules Books

Two sections

Provides timed Mock exams to prepare for the USGA 2 Exam. These quizzes have two sections each with 50 Multi choice questions. 50 are with a Closed book and 50 are with an Open book.